The Relationship Journey

A 6-Month Coaching Container

for Committed Couples


disconnected couple

If you are disconnected from your partner,

feel distant or numb when it comes to sex,

realize you’re sharing a life, but you’re not sharing yourselves with each other…

it can be difficult to know what you need to move toward the connection you desire.


Instead of continuing to avoid it

or hoping it changes,

you know it's time

to take a proactive approach

to getting the support you need.


You’re in the right place if:

Your partner and you sit on opposites of the couch. One of you is scrolling, one of you is watching TV.

You communicate well about logistics. But you’re seeking emotional support and validation from a friend, family member, or co-worker.

You each have a role in your relationship. And you don’t share your desires, fears, or what you love about one another.


You may have date nights.
But you don’t have special time together that lights you up.

You’ve stopped touching or it’s limited, habitual, or lacks chemistry. And it’s routinized.

You see opportunities to connect but you freeze, fall into unconscious patterns, and perform routines based on conditioning rather than what’s authentic to you.

Sound familiar?


Here is what I want for the two of you right now:

Take a brief, vulnerable moment to put a crack in the rigid foundation that’s keeping you from growing and being happy or fulfilled or satisfied.

Reach for your partner’s hand and allow them to reach for yours.

Look into one another’s eyes.

Intentionally scan the landscape of the life you’ve built together.


And draw forth from a deep knowing that you can support one another through this experience.

You’ve got this.


Together and individually,






together you will discover and rediscoveR




confident and capable,



The Relationship Journey:

A 6-Month sex & intimacy Coaching Container

for Committed Couples


We’ve all heard the call to more…


The call to adventure,

the pull to authenticity,

the draw to healing,

the longing toward pleasure.

We’ve found ourselves refusing the call,

shutting our ears and offering up excuses,

comfortably numb in our little boxes.

Born into capitalism,

domesticated by sitcom speak,

subdued into couch life boredom,

running on the social media performance treadmill,

extracting our love and labor for a vision of some ‘can Dream.

Maybe you’ve talked about it with friends,

said something after a few drinks,

asked your therapist,

glimpsed the possibility in a yoga class or while meditating.

Maybe you reached out to a coach,

typed a search in Google,

read an article,

or started a book.

And now…

You are ready for the journey of a lifetime.

To do the work.

To take the leap.

To be The Fool.

To go into the dark with nothing but a lantern to face your fears and realize your greatest bliss, joy, ecstasy, and possibility.

You don’t have to know the path.

This isn’t about reaching some goal, some end, some destination.

You won’t arrive to The American Dream or keeping up with the Joneses or becoming The Mythical Norm or living The Ordinary Life (h/t James Truslow Adams; h/t Arthur R. "Pop" Momandl; h/t Audre Lorde; h/t Joseph Campbell).

You’re not going to have sex every day or even every week.

You’re not going to orgasm or perform perfectly every time.

You’re not always going to say the right thing, be loving, patient, compassionate, kind, or even decent every day.


You can be present.

You can hold space.

You can gain clarity around what you want and need.

You can connect with your mind and your heart and your body.

You can communicate with curiosity and openness and repair what’s been ruptured.

You can heal and recover and resource.

You can co-create and rekindle erotic and sexual intimacy.


Are you two ready to move beyond an ordinary life?




The Relationship Journey—your relationship journey—is a focus, an intention, a mindset, and a path.

It is an experience you can choose or one you can say no to.

Much like The Hero’s Journey created by Joseph Campbell and The Heroine’s Journey as described by Maureen Murdock as well as The Healer’s Journey and The Seeker’s Journey,

The Relationship Journey is an adventure I have created to support you to trust and envision the landscape of the path that’s before you.


You must take each step on your own and together.

And you will not be alone.


I am here.


Meet your Guide:

Hey, I'm Daniela.
(pronouns: she/they)

For me, nothing is more important than connection.

Whether a connection to your inner wisdom, an honoring of your authentic sexuality, or in loving your partner,

I am here to inspire you to be true to yourself and to guide you to co-create a life that holds your fears and fulfills your deepest desires.

It is my life’s work and an honor to support you through this journey.


So how do you know if you’re in the right place?

This 6-month adventure is for:

Committed couples whose relationship is new

and who want to start off with clarity and self-awareness toward depth.

Committed couples who want to reconnect

and are willing to learn about themselves and one another to begin again.

Committed couples who want to go deeper

and explore who they are to grow an amazing relationship.

Queer couples, straight couples, open couples, and couples with other progressive dynamics who want to live authentic and aligned

and need to know who they are and what they want outside of dominant paradigms.


THIS is not for:

Two people who are one step away from calling it quits

and who are using this as a last ditch effort.

Two people who need a trauma specialist

and may have specific sexual trauma, diagnosed PTSD, or need to seek other inner work prior to beginning this 6-month container.

Two people who aren’t sure if they love each other anymore

and are seeking a quick fix or are trying to stay together out of obligation.


On this six month journey you’ll be supported with:

  • Four 90-minute sessions per month max

  • One week integration in some months

  • Curated guided audios, resources, practices, and exercises for home play and exploration

  • Email accountability in between sessions


You will gain and refine these skills throughout your journey:

Daniela Stevens The Relationship Journey Methodology

We start with these:




By identifying and educating each of you around your love, sex, mind, and heart, we begin to name the blocks, obstacles, challenges, and systems that stand in your way.





By embodying, exploring, and experiencing love and sex with authenticity, we also develop deep awareness of systemic oppression alongside personal experiences from your own life, ancestry, and lineage.





By celebrating, holding space, and sharing, we grow the skills of giving and receiving through compassion and replace shame with unconditional love, safety, belonging, joy, pleasure, and acceptance.





By witnessing, feeling, and liberating past experiences, grudges, resentments, and trauma, we can process deep feelings, vulnerable sensations, and triggered reactions wired in from your personal past, ancestry, and collective trauma experiences.

Healing trauma involves recognizing, accepting, and moving through pain—clean pain. It often means facing what you don’t want to face—what you have been reflexively avoiding or fleeing. By walking into that pain, experiencing it fully, and moving through it, you metabolize it and put an end to it. In the process, you also grow, create more room in your nervous system for flow and coherence, and build your capacity for further growth.
— Resmaa Menakem in My Grandmother's Hands




By forming a container, setting intentions, establishing mindsets, and exploring practical erotic and sexual intimacy knowledge, skills, and rituals, we can co-create the sex we want and the intimacy we desire.


The purpose of this journey is to

deeply know yourself,

liberate your mind from harmful conditioning,

locate the erotic and sensitive through curiosity and play,

meet the divine and sacred within yourself and your partner,

replace fear and shame with power and safety,

and shift from autopilot or survival to intentionally crafting an ecology of thriving

…so you can co-create your vibrant and healthy relationship.


On THE Relationship Journey, your investment in yourselves is either:


$10,800 USD

Deposit & Payment plan

$1,425 USD per month

Deposit of $2,250 USD
& 6 monthly payments of
$1,425 per month USD

Need a different payment plan? Let’s talk.

Answers to Your Most Common Questions:

  • On this journey, your commitment to yourself, to your partner, and to your relationship is six months.

    This is to support you both to see it as a process and a journey.

    In the beginning, people can feel hopeful and excited and optimistic.

    As we continue, people can feel awkward, vulnerable, reactive, and resistant.

    To integrate awareness, new skills, and co-create together takes time.

    When these feelings come up, it’s important to lean into them instead of give up.

    Realizations can be uncomfortable, and working through them is where growth happens.

    I commit to showing up for six months to support you, and I ask for your commitment to yourself and to one another to do the same for a mutually-beneficial relationship.

    After six months, you’ll have the option to shift to weekly, every other week, every three weeks, once a month, or on an as-needed basis.

    Each week you’ll dedicate 90 minutes to our coaching session with additional time in between sessions for exploring resources, home exercises and practices along with passive considerations.

    These can range from five minutes to an hour depending on our area of focus.

  • Each month you’ll engage in four 90-minute sessions via Zoom with some months having an integration week.

    You’ll be invited to focus on two or three items in between sessions.

    They are often one active practice or exercise that takes pause and focus, and a second, more passive item that you can explore while cooking, driving, walking, showering, etc.

    These items may include embodied exercises and practices from the fields of neuroscience, trauma healing, modern psychology, and ancient Tantric and Taoist wisdom led within session.

    Curated exercises and practices are provided for you to do each week on your own to deepen and integrate the work we’re doing in sessions along with resource and passive considerations.

    You will also receive consistent, no-nonsense accountability.

    Individual email support is available between sessions if you find yourself feeling confused or stuck.

  • Therapy and counseling are a great fit for people who want to talk about their sex, love, and/or relationship problems and gain awareness of the problems themselves.

    Coaching is more appropriate for people who are aware of the problem and are committed and ready to take action to get what they want instead.

    The coaching I offer involves a wide variety of tools, practices, and techniques to get you results as quickly as possible.

    If you want to move from struggling or okay to thriving and flourishing, coaching is how you get there to experience and embody it.

  • I don't take insurance, and here's why.

    First, I am a certified sex and intimacy coach and not a licensed therapist or counselor. Currently the latter is more regulated and systemically supported by insurance companies who may cover a portion of rates.

    Second, when insurance companies do cover services, they collect your personal data. This can include how often you meet, how long you meet for, over what period of time, and the different types of visits you have, like relationship and/or individual sessions. Insurance companies also can have access to more intimate details in your file, which often includes notes, plans, exercises, practices, recommendations, and more (h/t Amanda Walters for these insights).

    Finally, insurance companies are in the business of extracting labor and making money. Reimbursement rates tend to be low, certain diagnoses when working with clinicians are not covered under insurance plans, and claim denial is a common occurrence.

    I am here for confidentiality, greater safety, and privacy.

    I am here to value my gifts and offerings to you.

    Not taking insurance ensures I can protect your confidentiality to its fullest, and it means I can unapologetically earn a living that supports my family and me to thrive.

  • Your partner and you arrive to Zoom, and we enter into that time together with the intention to be present and connected.

    We begin with a grounding and centering practice then share celebrations and gratitude prompted from the previous week’s desires and your overall focus.

    The purpose is to acknowledge what is working and build off of it.

    The bulk of the session we focus on naming and exploring the next steps toward what you want to experience together by talking, engaging body-based practices, and/or mindfulness and awareness practices.

    At the end, I review two practices (one active and one passive) with you to explore in between sessions over the next week and beyond.

    Finally we end with each of you sharing two favorite moments, two moments you’re grateful for, or two insightful or ah-ha moments.

    I offer couples my two favorite moments to create a third perspective from the outside looking in, a ritual many couples look forward to and thoroughly enjoy.

    Afterward I send you both an email with the two exercises as a reminder, and I check in by email four days later.

    You can use this as an opportunity to check in with yourself, your partner, and/or hit reply and share with me what you’re experiencing.

  • If you are not in a committed relationship, this journey is for you, too!

    I often work with people one-on-one to gain clarity on what they want from their relationships.

    Along with dyads, I also work with people in open relationships, polyamorous relationships, and fluid or dynamic relationships.

    Each coaching experience is curated to be relevant for your unique relationship structure.

  • When we work together, I support you with the most effective teachings steeped in neuroscience, holistic healing, trauma resolution, and modern coaching blended with ancient tantric and taoist wisdom.

    We use embodied exercises, practices, and toy/tools as I guide you to uncover blocks, fears, and resistance and how to hold, heal, and integrate them to reveal the wholeness and health that is within you.

    The VITA™ (Vital and Integrated Tantric Approach) Method is often where we’ll start.

    Foundational beliefs of this method are:

    > Sexuality is sacred, beautiful, powerful, and natural

    > Pure love is the primary force that sustains us

    > Meaningful relationships are necessary for a joyful life

    Holistic tools working with the felt sense around awareness, mindfulness, guided meditation, breathwork, pleasure practices, trauma resolution, energy work, sounding, and movement support us to resolve even the deepest challenges.

  • I am a Certified Integrated Sex, Love and Relationship Coach with a specialization in Relationships through the Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality.

    I continue my studies pursuing additional specializations in Tantric Sex, Jade Egg, and Men's Work.

    I have a Masters Degree in Communication Studies with a focus on Women’s Studies and Pedagogy, which has facilitated me in teaching college classes and workshops on interpersonal communication, small group communication, critical thinking, and argumentation. 

    I am also a gentle, restorative, and Yin Yoga instructor, having studied with dozens of acupuncturists, chiropractors, yoga teachers, and educators in various disciplines.

  • Not at all.

    We will discuss sex, love, and relationships and reference anatomy, but everyone will be clothed in each session.

    Some clients experience some discomfort with discussing these topics, which is understandable.

    I invite you to share what you’re experiencing—each session is a safer space to bravely share openly, even if that means naming that it feels awkward.

  • I live and work on the ancestral and unceded traditional territories of the current day Muwekma Ohlone tribe otherwise known as the Bay Area of California in the United States.

    Because we can connect via Zoom, I work with clients from all over the world.

  • I offer a free 15-minute phone call and/or an online 60-minute Relationship Journey discovery session for $300 USD to discover if we are a good fit for one another.

    After our session, I send you a follow-up email with resources as well as an email checking in with you a few days later.

    To reflect a committed, mutually-beneficial relationship, I require payment for my time and expertise.

    If we decide to work together, next steps include reviewing and signing a trust agreement and a service agreement to make our expectations known and clear to one another.

  • Working on sex, love, and relationships can trigger fear.

    Fear can influence our actions, and we may decide staying comfortable is more important than moving through difficulty and toward growth.

    I value honesty and am happy to have a frank conversation with you to find out whether a desire to end our commitment to a six-month container is coming from a place of fear or because we’re not a good match.

    Sometimes unexpected life events can affect your ability to fully participate in a coaching container.

    If this happens, I ask that you communicate with me, so we can create a plan.

    In cooperation with your 6-month commitment, I commit to working with you for six months.

    One or both people are welcome to voluntarily remove themselves from the coaching container.

    However, participants who voluntarily exit or discontinue any program will not receive a refund on funds already paid.

    Exiting the program early financially impacts me, and for this reason, my expectation is that you fulfill your commitment to pay the remaining balance over the duration mutually agreed upon if we don’t have an open conversation around next steps for everyone.


Explore Your Relationship Journey…


Be vulnerable and brave.

Refuse to settle for basic and routine.

Dare to yearn for something more.

Get ready to set out on an adventure together toward

deeper connection,

exhilarating sex, and

extraordinary life experiences.


If this sounds like the two of you—or like versions of you you’ve forgotten how to be—then let’s set up a free 15-minute consultation or a 60-minute discovery call for $300 USD and explore your path on The Relationship Journey.


And so your
adventure begins….