sexless marriage

This is How To Return to the Beginning of Sex and Intimacy Within and In Love


you just have to scrap it all and start at the beginning.

I have triggered tendencies that want to burn bridges and return to ash.

That's not what I'm talking about.

Which is More Closed Off: Your Heart or Your Sexuality?

For just a moment, close your eyes or let them gently unfocus.

Breathe into your heart.

Is it open?

Can you expand and soften into your heart with some ease?

Gently Support One Another's Bodies and Sexuality with Loving Touch

Sit down with me?

I'm picturing us nestled around a small, square table.

The flat wood is darker, and the texture offers my chest calm and grounding sensations with a reminder of the outdoors.

Maybe you're across from me so we can look at one another.