
White-Hot Lightning Kisses Are Within You

Have you ever kissed someone and experienced lightning?

Touched lips, entangled energies, and felt an electric pulse sweep through you to ignite your sensations…?

A friend has been sharing their experience with this, talking about what and how another person makes them feel when I said,

You are lightning.

"I'm tired" is the new "I'm fine." You're not tired. You're not fine.

I'm tired.

Are you?

I've noticed that for some people "tired" can be code for boredom or pessimism, frustration, irritation, impatience....

Sometimes it encompasses overwhelm, disappointment, doubt, or worry.

How to Not Get Overwhelmed and Numb To It All

I'm not sure where your thoughts or emotions are at right now, friend.

And over the last few days I've been running through a spectrum of grief and hope and despair and anger marked with sparks of action and creativity.

I've also been ruminating around what feminist marketing consultant Kelly Diels (she/her) calls my spot on the wall.

This is how you can honor your body's wisdom and sensitize to the celebrations of life

When I sit down to write to you, I consider what I'm going through, what I'm learning, and what I need.

I also pour over the threads I witness weaving themselves through the lives of my clients.

Yesterday some pain in my body had moved on, and I felt a sense of joy and happiness reignite within.

This is How You Love Yourself (and your partner and the collective) in All The Ways

I've been thinking about you.

It's been weeks since I've written, and that doesn't mean I haven't had you on my mind.

I've written drafts around:

Several days ago I threw a glass at the floor and shattered it....

I wasn't angry.

I wasn't triggered.

And several days ago I picked up a glass and shattered it on the floor.

I was frustrated.

I was beyond my capacity.

This is How You Take Ownership of Your Sexuality

You may not be having sex or as much sex as you want with your partner during this pandemic.

Maybe—like me—your partner and you are sheltering-in-place in different locations.

You may be single or dating.

This is How To Give Yourself What You Most Need Right Now

I feel like I'm in the tornado outer funnel right now...

Just hanging on...

And hoping I don't get spit out in a manure patch.

This was shared with me recently, and I thought, That's about right.